後後後藝術群成立於2018年,起初以通訊軟件為聯絡據點,無緣享受工作室的舒適環境。 但後來,後後後忘記初心於觀塘成立了實體工作室(暨娛樂室),繼續吃喝玩樂和認真創作。重申,後後後為配合香港蓬勃的金融業發展,嘗試挖掘和挪用被閒置、不受重視的空間,以高質感的文化水泥,去填補城市中的裂縫和空隙。
Formed in 2018, the PoPoPost Art Group took Communication Software as our headquarters. We were rejected by the physical comfort of the studio. But then, we forgot our purest intentions of being a spotless artist collective and rented a studio (aka party room) in Kwun Tong to continue our parties and art practices. Again, in response to Hong Kong’s always burgeoning financial sector, we explore idle and underrated spaces. We mix high-quality cultural cement and fill the slivers and gaps in this city.