是項計劃起初以行動作遊戲規則,只能用動作和行為去回應事物。然而疫症的突如其來,腦海中一連串的行為想像亦只能在虛擬中實現。接着巧合碰上巧合,在得知Adobe宣佈Flash將於2020年12月31日停止支援後,成長時期熱衷於網頁小遊戲的成員們便決心在Flash平台策劃一個展覽模擬器(Exhibition Simulator)—-《後當代線上遊戲地帶》。
在Window玩彈珠台的日子已成為回憶,而光纖取代電話線上網,雲端取代磁碟,HTML5取代Flash。 轉變從不間斷,無論是進步的科技還是退步的文明(civilization) 。回過頭來,我們似乎又回到時代的轉捩點。對此,後後後藝術群決心逆行,用Flash面對時代的洪流,將被洪水沖走的閃光抓回剩下的一小口氣。
Post Contemporary Game Zone originated as a project using actions and performance in response to the surroundings. With the sudden outbreak of the pandemic, all the imaginations could only be realized in the virtual realm. Yet, multiple coincidences collide. Adobe announced that the Flash service will be permanently suspended at the end of the year, the group decided to create an exhibition simulator with the Flash platform, to bring back the online mini-games which were once enthusiastically engaged by the Generation Y.
Adobe Flash used to be an important web browser plug-in and it existed almost everywhere - multi-media advertisements, games, audio-visuals and animations - all come to existence only with the development of the software. However, with more security breaches and insufficient performance nowadays, the unadaptable Flash is forced to step down from its glorious stage.
The better days are gone. Microsoft Windows’ pinball game now only remains in our memory; Light faber replaces landline, Cloud drive replaces hard disks, and HTML5 replaces Flash. Call it the advancement of technology or the regression of civilization - the transformation never stops. Here we go again at the turning point. Therefore, the Popo-Post Art Group is determined to go the other way around, using Flash to counter the overwhelming flood of changes, to hold tight to the temporal glitter in the rolling waves.